Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Statement

Norfolk Broads Direct is committed to providing safe holidays afloat and ashore.
Throughout the pandemic, we have taken a proactive approach to protect our customers and staff and have joined Visit England’s Good To Go scheme.
Our investment has included:
- new safety and instructional videos to watch before and during your holiday;
- new IT systems to reduce queueing and allow passenger boat tickets & day boats to be booked ahead;
- electronic waivers to be signed in advance to reduce waiting time and the use of paper & pens;
- streamlined handover processes to reduce face to face contact;
- enhanced cleaning and sanitisation regimes around the workplace and public areas;
- enforcing a strict signing in process for staff and contractors, displaying test & trace QR codes in public areas when appropriate.
Additionally, at times of heightened risk, we have:
- introduced social distancing measures at our ticket windows and reception;
- enforced social bubbles on board our passenger boats – protecting our guests and reducing capacity;
- organised our staff into work bubbles so that they can continue to work safely;
- worn face coverings and other PPE when we are face to face with customers or people from outside our work bubbles.
Many of these improvements are here to stay.
All of our boating fleet, holiday properties and customer toilets are cleaned with products which are DEFRA accredited and conform to EU requirements.
Our linen and towels are cleaned by a professional cleaning company, who have systems in place to meet all the requirements of Health & Safety legislation.
We will continue at all times to monitor and follow the advice from HM Government Department of Health, in order to protect the health and safety of our staff and customers.
We look forward to seeing you!
18th February 2022